HIGHLIGHTS The iPhone 12 Mini has a 5.4-inch screen and a compact design. It shares core hardware with the other iPhone 12 series phones. The Apple iPhone 12 mini has been priced at Rs 69,990 in India. On these pages, we earlier reviewed the iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 Pro and the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Today, we complete our roundup of the iPhone 12 series with this review of the iPhone 12 mini, the baby phone in the pack. Or as some would call it, the pocket rocket of the iPhone world, given how it shares its hardware with the other iPhone series phones. In fact, when it comes to the core hardware, the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 mini are similar, except the size and a couple of parts like the screen, battery and - something I found while using the 12 mini - the stereo speakers. In other words, what Apple is proposing with this phone is this: if you want a top-end smartphone but in a size that is closer to your old iPhone like the iPhone 7 or iPhone 5s, in 2020 the iPhone 12 mini...
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